monster story


One time me,Mackenzie well a while ago this happen. We saw a hole and we started to look down the hole. Oh and we were outside.

And for a second I thought ever thing was wrong. And I was right. So we started down the hall. We heard a laughed a

really weird laughed. Then we herd a scream. And someone cry

for help. Itterrible awful. I looked for a light switch. Suddenly it felt furry. I let goof it. Going to the cabinet. I felt something I look

on the top there’s something I muttered to Mackenzie. There’s BOOD. It was blood .I got up and the light came on .There was a gigantic monster. I got up and ran. Since it was dark I hit my head on every thing. Then it went black. I woke up in my room it was all a dream. I saw a hole in my bed roomer said I am not going down there I said. But suddenly I got to close and ahhhhhhh. was so bad are stomach felt terrible no not


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