Should every kid get a trophey
Well I really don’t think every kid should really get a trophey.Trophies are a reward ,and if a kid doesn’t do anything ,then should they really get a reward at all ?
A bunch of kids do a sport or acidemic thing just for a trophie,and not for the love of it.Thats just down right unamerican!Anyway it’s not a compition to see who was the most trophies.
Kids will play a sport to look cool too.They will tell their mom that they want to play a sport like football,soccer,basketball,baseball things like that, to get a trophie in their room to look cool.
Plus I think if someone gave you a trophie after you did something bad,you would start to do more bad things to get another trophie.You would start to forget what the good thing is,and so would everyone else.See now that every kid should not get a trophie.