Goodbye 2013 and Hello 2014

Last year was good I mean it wasn’t bad … ok  fine last year was not my year.I mean I had a lot of memories but not very good ones at all,except one and that is my first.My first memorie from 2013 is  getting saved at church camp.Our paster said that anyone who wanted to be saved to come up on the stage.I got up really fast and went to him.It was the best feeling I had after I got saved.Another memorie is that i sprained my ankle really bad doing my back hand spring on concrete without a spotter.It didn’t feel to good.Anyway my third memorie is getting grounded for not doing the dishes for a whole month,now that might not be long to you but trust if you don’t like doing the dishes it feels like a whole year.Now on to my goals for 2014.I have great expectations for this year. One of my two goals this year is to  be a better gymnast.To be a better gymnast you got be loyal to yourself and others also to not give up and try your best,and that is exactly what I am going to do.Making the gymnastics team this year is my second goal.I’m really going to practice this year and try hard to do my best and give it all I got.Something I want to try and stop is biting my nails it hurts bad when your  nail gets to short.I want to learn more in Social Studies and math.One last thing is I want to try and read more here are 4 books I want to read Pretty Little Liars,Dork Diary,The old Willis Place,and Dial L for Loser.





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