Archive of ‘Social Studies’ category

December 7,1941

President Roosevelt called December 7,1941 unforgoten

ever since that day December 7 has lived in infamy

arizonia was one of the battleships that had sunken

racks of  ships were sunken the california was one

lots of things happend that day and because of  it,we went to World war 2

hawii was were pearl harbor was

attack from Japan

Roosevelt was president at this time

bunches of people now go to see the memorial

one of the heros that day was Dorris Miller

round 8:oo am Japan attacked

Plymouth or Jamestown


Landed in Cape Cod

Yeast is one of the things that they used to make bread


Off course

Usually got along with the natives



I would like to live in Plymouth,because they go along with the Natives and had food.The first Thanksgiving was there,and I think I  would like to be there.Then there is the famous Plymouth rock.I just wouldn’t like to be there in the winter.

Even though they got blown off course I think they landed in a much better spot then they would of in the first place.