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ABOUT ME!!!!!!

I’m in middle school now,everything is okay so far.I get to be with with all my friends.You get way more responsibility, like I get my own locker and schedule, but I’m still bad at spelling .A bunch of things have changed   like the school building I’m in.I guess some things never change,like your little brother being a little pest.

I really love gymnastics and cheer!My favorite books are Nancy Drew.I have 3 sisters and 1 brother( whose a pest).Everyone is my friend,even you,but I might not know you.Anyway my mom is always calling me crazy,but I’m not .If I was crazy I would be in a mental hospital,but I’m clearly not.I might be loud, but I am like,totally fun!Well I have to go I’m very busy person. Toodles.

Bill Clinton

                       Bill Clinton was born in Agust 19,1946,Hope ,Arkansas

Before president  her was govener of Arkansas

He  knew he wanted to be president

Govener of Arkansas

William Jefferson Clinton

                                                         Loved     to        eat

Reading was his favforite  hobby

First  president to be a Rhodes Scholar

He was the 42  president out of   44   presidents

Plymouth or Jamestown


Landed in Cape Cod

Yeast is one of the things that they used to make bread


Off course

Usually got along with the natives



I would like to live in Plymouth,because they go along with the Natives and had food.The first Thanksgiving was there,and I think I  would like to be there.Then there is the famous Plymouth rock.I just wouldn’t like to be there in the winter.

Even though they got blown off course I think they landed in a much better spot then they would of in the first place.

Henry Hudson

Explorer Gazette

As a lot of you know Henry Hudson was an explorer for the Dutch and England.

He saild  for England a ship called the Discovery looking for the Northwest passage (a water route that was suppose to get to the indies.)It was a cold winter.Henry,his crew,and his son were stuck up at a bay because it had frozen over.Finally in June 1611 Henry and his crew set sail.The crew thought they were going home ,but soon found out that Hudson was still looking for the north west passage.Angry,they threw Hudson,7 loyal crew members,and his son of the ship on a paddle boat with no ores.There are a lot of possibilities and a lot of theries.

And here is mine,they started paddling with their hands but probably made no proggress,and eventually died of starvation.

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