What If?

Some kids get bored in science class,or any class.When we do an experiment or a lab it gets people engaged or involved.Well,what if we went on more than just a field trip or a lab?I say that we go surfing in Hawaii at the Big Islands.We would have an exciting learning experience.
Surfing can be an exciting wonderful experience.Sometimes learning something new is not always boring,it can actually be really amazing.Perhaps,we can have a remarkable time with friends.According to the research that was done,the waves can constantly carry out.Under the water is a gorgeous rainbow colored coral reef.Just make sure not to get poked.
Surfing isn’t just exciting it is science.When the waves form that is gravity.When the waves go up,and then come crashing down that is kinetic and potential energy.As a student just stay involved and engaged and,maybe it won’t be so boring after all.
If we go surfing,it will help kids with school,and they will excel in learning.With one little field trip.If we go on this field trip,then maybe everyone will do good in school.

The Jump

i look around
i’m surrounded by many people
i look down

a man steps out of the crowd
“So are you going to……Jump?”
off a 3 story building into a gaping black hole in the ground

The selflessness in me and dauntless kicks in
i feel like I need to do this
I have to

he looks at me with a crooked smile
chills run up my back

I’m frustrated and penetrated with fear but
what is some one is down there
I feel my feet leave the building

I feel wind,exhilaration,my Heart Pounding
i hit something hard,a net
there is no one done here but,
I feel reborn like someone breathed new life into Me,
it’s such a BOLD word


I open my eyes
my eyes shift directly to the alarm clock
6:30 A.M
on the day OFF of school

I pull back my curtains
Lets get this party started

The hand strikes 10:00
Let’s go

1st task
I must build
a Snowman

The ball of snow starts to form
the big ball of snow cracks and falls
That’s a Fail

And the 2nd task is
with my DAD
he throws
it hit me
right in the leg
I throw
it falls
I face plant

I’m covered snow
my Dad caught all mine
Again FAIL!

Even though there was basically fail everywhere
I had a FANTASTIC time with my family
BUT I will beat my DAD
Next year

The One Person

The One Person Everyone has that one important person that they look up too, admire,or want to grow up to be just like.The person I admire is selfless, kind, and always guides me in the right path.She is my step-mom.The reason I admire her is because she broke her back, and is in pain but, She is all the things I just said.
Tara is always selfless.In almost any case.Every night you will see her in the kitchen,cooking dinner for her family.If Tara can do something special for someone she will.On my birthday the lady spent her whole day filling my bedroom with balloons.
Tara guides me in the right path.When I do something wrong,she’ll correct me on what I did wrong.She taught me that she does that because she cares,not because she can. Tara will always love me for me.For years she has dealt with me.Which would include help on homework, me accidentally breaking things, and a lot of craziness.Still to this day she will tell me to be me, and only me.
Now you know who I admire and why. Isn’t she a great person?Well, she’ll be there for me all the time.Again, even though she broke her back she will always be selfless, caring, and will be there.


I was so excited this morning when I found out that my aunt and my cousins were coming down to Texas for this summer from Washington.I almost started to bounce off the the walls.I could hardly wait another minute for my Aunt Jenna and my cousins Maddie and Isabelle to be here.

I couldn’t sit down until they got here.Finally what seemed to be hours of waiting a black truck pulled up in the drive way!”Their here… their here!” I started hollering and started to run as fast as my little legs could carry me.

MY Aunt Jenna and cousins hopped out of the car,and I came running to give them a humongous bear hugs.”I missed you so much!”I yelled with excitement “I did too!” My aunt laughed back.”Come on help us unpack.” My aunt told me.

After unpacking,we all decided that we should go to the lake to celebrate them being here.AS soon as we jumped out of the car I raced to the dock.everyone followed behind me.I asked my aunt and cousins if they wanted to jump off the dock with me and my brother.My aunt said yes while my cousins nervously shuddered yes.”On three…”my brother Brayden yelled “one,two…three!” We all crazily jumped off the dock into the water.”That was so much fun!” Isabelle hollered with excitement.

After messing around at the lake for a few hours, we went home and had a few friends over and played at home.

I learned that family is with you forever no matter what happens.

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